(12) For as many as have sinned without the law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law
M -Those without the law refers to the Gentiles and those with the law would refer to the Jews. The idea unfolded in this verse and the following ones seems to be that God will judge people based on what they know. The Gentiles don’t have the law, but will be judged by what they do know, and the Jews, knowing the law will be judged by that.
A –God judges us based on what we know. Chapter 1:20 told us that all men know God is there and powerful from creation, so none of us will have an excuse. Many people would claim more ignorance than they have, but God knows our hearts.
(13) (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;
M –Paul speaks as a quick side-note to illustrate his point that having God’s law isn’t enough. The Jews were privileged to have God’s law, but if they didn’t obey it, they are just as guilty before God as anyone.
A –While the Jew’s were God’s chosen people with some great privileges (such as having God’s law), they wouldn’t be judged less justly. Sometimes we assume that because we are around the good things of God (church, bible studies) we’re earning ‘brownie points’ with God, but that doesn’t get us anywhere. He is a righteous judge and pronounces sentence on all of us in justice.
(14) for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,
M –The side note continues. Paul says that although Gentiles don’t have the law, they show they still have a law operating in them that shows them right from wrong even if it hasn’t been spelled out to them.
(15) who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.
M –The thought goes on. The non-Jews show that God’s law is written in their hearts…they know right and wrong by their conscience. The word conscience is made up of two words: CON –‘with’ and SCIENCE ‘knowledge.’ They do what they do with knowledge and this is why their conscience bears witness like in a court of law. It knows the truth and so it accuses them by it’s witness, or excuses them.
A –The conscience is a big evidence of the existence of God…why would we have a sense of right and wrong inside of us if there was no one to answer to? This is why we will all be without excuse for our sin when we face God…we can’t claim we didn’t know what was right because He’s written it on our hearts. The courtroom of God will be the only courtroom where not just actions are judged, but the thoughts are also known and judged.
(16) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
M –There is a day coming when the secrets of men’s hearts will be judged. Jesus Christ will be the judge in the courtroom, we will be the accused and our conscience will be a witness that we knew what was right and wrong. The gospel (good news) Paul preached included the warnings of the coming judgment.
A –It’s a good thing to know the judge who will judge you and to be honest about the secret darkness of your heart. If it will be brought into light then, you may as well bring it into the light now.
Interesting. And I like your conclusions, as I agree with them. However, just a question. :)
ReplyDeleteIf people that don't have knowledge of the law, have experienced awful situations and have been used by others to the point where their heart is broken...and if they have never felt true love, then how can they know for sure how to act - whether right or wrong - as they have never experienced it themselves? Even if every human is born with it, it's easy to ignore it even if you're a little child, and when you're a grown man it can be hard to see the differences. Will God judge them wrongly, when the only thing they know is how to take care of themselves?
I know it's a naive question, but I like to question the obvious. :)
/The froggyfrog
Hey Froggyfrog, good question. Awesome on your english by the way! You're a better speller than me!
ReplyDeleteAs verse 15 says, people may not have the law outwardly, but they do have a law written on their hearts (in their conscience.) This is why someone KNOWS they have been treated wrongly growing up...their conscience tells them there is a standard of what's right and not right and so they recognize they are not being treated right. Since they know, they are also responsible to that standard themselves.
This doesn't mean someone has to pretend they weren't treated badly, or that the ones who wronged you are off the hook. But what it does mean is you still have your own choice to do right or wrong.
Hopefully that makes a little sense, feel free to ask more if not.
Glad you're following along.