Monday, October 26, 2009


(21) But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets

M –Paul has been making the point through the book so far, that Jews and Gentiles both have the problem that they don’t meet the requirements of God. But now, Paul points out, a way of righteousness (getting right standing with God) is revealed apart from the law. There is a way to be right with God, even though we’ve failed to keep the law. This right-standing with God was hinted at and foretold in the law and prophets (The Old Testament.)

A –Christians don’t get right with God by keeping the rules, it is a righteousness that comes apart from the law.

(22) even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference.

M –This right standing with God, is from God himself. We get it through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith, is not just intellectual agreement or a mystical emotion. To have faith in something, means to put your trust and confidence fully in that thing. So, putting our trust and confidence in Jesus is how we get this right-standing with God.

A –Paul will go on through the letter to explain in more detail what it means to put our trust and confidence in Jesus. But here we see, this is the way (and the only way) that men and women can be made right with God.

(23) for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

M –The previous verse ended by saying ‘there is no difference’. Everyone has sinned and failed God’s law, so everyone who wants to be right with God, will have to take this righteousness from Him by faith.

A –There is not a sinless person on the planet…including every pastor, priest, monk, mother Theresa, the Pope…everyone is a sinner and everyone will have to come to God the same way.

(24) being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

M –To be justified means to be given the status of an innocent person. This is what Christ Jesus did for us freely...He openly made it available to all who would accept His grace. He gave us the gift of his good standing (since He had no sin) and took our guilty position on the cross to redeem us. To redeem something tells us that a payment has been made to get something back. Jesus paid the cost of our sins to bring us back to God out of the condemnation of sin.

A – It’s important for the Christian to remember they are not perfect because they became Christians, but they are justified. There is no more condemnation for them. They don’t stand as guilty people before God anymore.

(25) whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,

M –God sent Jesus as a propitiation. A propitiation is an action taken to appease God…meaning Jesus’ sacrifice quenched God’s wrath and anger against our sin. He did this by His blood…by His death. And we receive it through faith.

God sent Jesus to do this, to demonstrate that He’s serious about sin (righteous). Guilt must be paid for. God does not look past sin. He is a good and right judge who punishes for wrong.

God was patient in dealing with the sins of the past (previously committed) knowing that Christ would pay the debt for them in future for all who would believe.

(26) to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

M –God apparently wanted to do two things: First, He wanted to maintain his justice by punishing for wrong. Second, He wanted people to be able to be made right with Him again. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, both of these things were made available…justice was served on Jesus, and grace was able to be offered to the sinner.

A –God doesn’t compromise any part of His nature. If He says He will punish for sin, He means it, and finds a way to do it. If He wants to save sinners, He finds a way without compromising anything He’s said. It shows us how serious God is about what He says. When He promises something, He will do it. When He warns of something, He will do it.

(27) Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.

M –Trusting in God eliminates the right to boast. We admit that we aren’t good inside and are fully dependent on God’s grace to save us.

A –When we catch ourselves boasting about anything we need to look at our heart to see if we’re living to see ourselves praised or God praised. The Christian realizes they aren’t good inside, and that they can’t get to heaven or change their lives unless God gives them these things.

(28) Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.

M –The only we can be made right with God (justified) is by faith, all the things we do, even if they do line up with the law…will never cover over all of our unrighteousness.

(29) Or is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also.

M –God is the God of both the Jews and the Gentiles and offers salvation to both of them through faith.

A –God did the Jews special privileges of revelation…but that would not save them. The whole world belongs to God.

(30) Since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

M –The circumcised refers to the Jews and the uncircumcised to the rest of the world. Again, the only way either will be justified is through faith.

(31) Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.

M –So since we’re justified by faith and not the law, is the law that God gave the Jews useless? No. People will end up being led to Christ by the law (realizing they can’t do it on their own) and then end up fulfilling the law as God’s Spirit changes them (Romans 13:10)

A –It’s important to know that we can’t be made right with God by following the law, but also, to know that the law has a purpose (the rest of the book will show us more) and Christians end up fulfilling it as they become more like Jesus.

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